Dexter Yarbrough and The Morning Conversations

By Dexter Yarbrough. I write and publish on a site called HubPages as well as WordPress. Although I have included links in this blog, you will also find my signature series here – The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama. This series is fictional and satirical. It follows the private conversations of the President and First Lady. Republicans, Democrats, non-political folks and those from areas outside of the United States find it humorous and enjoyable.

The notion to write a fictional account of the private morning conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama simply came to mind. I thought it would be adventurous and funny to have folks see a side of them that most don’t see – albeit fictitious. I try to relate real-life events to private conversations that many would have if in the same position. It is so much easier for me to write for Michelle than Barack, mainly because we come from similar type families. She seems more down to earth and he seems more worldly in the sense that he traveled and experienced much as a child.

The series is meant to be humorous and to deliver a subtle message. My purpose for writing this series is not to be political or insulting to the Obama’s. However, my purpose is to bring humor and enlightenment to the lives of others. The Michelle & Barack series is written as such that you don’t have to start with the first in the series. However, you can get a better feel for what has been happening with them by starting at the beginning.

Whether you like the Obama’s or not, you get a sense (fictionally) for how they are dealing with life in the White House and how they react to situations happening around them. They have the same types of issues that all Americans have – family issues, communication with each other and trying to make it through a crazy life. You will also find that they can have a lot of fun together – sometimes at each others expense!

For example, in The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #24, Barack and Michelle Obama are vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard. They tell a few jokes and then Michelle begins to get on Barack’s case. Barack wants to relax and so a pretty wild conversation ensues!

Leroy is Michelle’s imaginary friend. He is used to make Barack laugh and to get subtle messages through to him. Michelle uses Leroy’s ebonics speech humorously to get Barack to settle down and laugh, thus making him more open to what she has to say.

In The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #25, Barack and Michelle Obama are preparing for breakfast in the White House kitchen. However, Barack seems preoccupied with a pesky fly. Michelle is pondering ways to get under his skin. All the while, Michelle is anticipating the return of her favorite White House chef, Tyrone.

Tyrone, a White House chef, has just returned from a family emergency. Michelle decides to use Tyrone’s wit and intelligence to cause Barack to look at issues from a different point of view. Tyrone doesn’t fail and makes the President very nervous!

Please check out the links to the series and tell your friends and family about it. You will have an enjoyable time reading about the exploits of the President and First lady. It makes for great entertainment!

Please enjoy my latest in the series – The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #26.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #27.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #28.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #29.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #30.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #31.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #32.

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #33

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #34

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #35

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michelle Obama #36

The Morning Conversations of Barack & Michele Obama #37

I hope you enjoy reading the series! Dexter Yarbrough

You can check out my profile at Dexter Yarbrough BrandYourself.